Daniel Fiorda
Futuristic Stainless Steel & Aluminum Sculpture
- Racing Car -
Length: 22 inches Width: 9 inches Height: 7 inches
Sculpture is signed and dated on the front right wheel: "FIORDA" & "8" (for 1998).
A rare contemporary stainless steel & aluminum sculpture of a futuristic racing car by a known American artist, Daniel Fiorda; namely, from his series " Heavy Toys", where speed is reflected in the form of children’s toys that have been adapted to the adult psyche. This sculpture with the monochromatic metallic color stresses the power an intensity of the metal and supports the notion of movement. Horizontally or vertically signify the illusion of speed while simultaneously being aesthetically appealing, producing the image of sporty racing car. The materials used, primarily steel and aluminum, with some bronze and copper, are precise and crisp; giving an aura of the clean cut and hard edged. The luster and shine of the metal combined with its firmness and solid stability factors enhance the notion of cocksure forwardness. The easily recognizable pistons in the “Heavy Toys series”, are, in fact, taken from high speed racing boats. Heavy toys allow us to look at the work and reflect on today's speed. The swiftness, whether physical, mental or emotional, often causes a sense of confusion and perplexity that becomes difficult to untangle.